12-Week Group Coaching Programme:

Being An Authentic Masculine Man, AKA B.A.A.M.M


This programme is for men who are ready to embody healthy masculinity, leadership, strength and success to move powerfully in life, love & relationships.

I genuinely feel like the programme has changed my life. I feel happier, more focussed and optimistic about the future. I feel that the programme has given me tools to deal with conflict and to express myself fully.
— Chris, Architect, Newcastle

Are you...

👉🏽 Ready to create a relationship or dating life that is authentic, deeply connected and passionate?

👉🏽 Ready to feel your emotions so that you can create deep connections and be free?

👉🏽 Ready to lead your relationships and sexual experience from a place to love, integrity and passion?

👉🏽 Ready to create a laser-focused presence so that you aren’t distracted by pointless sh*t so that you can be fully in the moment with people?

👉🏽 Ready to develop rock-solid self-confidence using age-old practices and support from other open-minded men?


The problem:

  • Many men feel that masculinity is under attack and, therefore, men are under attack.

  • Many men feel that being a man is inherently flawed and wrong because of the atrocities of a small percentage of men.

  • Many men are afraid of leading their own lives and the lives of others for fear of being branded dominating, selfish and cruel.

  • Many men don't feel it is safe to go after their goals in life because they worry about being branded as toxic or aggressive.

What if I told you that as men, we are inherently loving, generous, connected, powerful, deeply aware, wise, emotionally connected and sexually confident.

The world has just told you that any or all of these things are bad, wrong or dangerous.

But the very thing that is missing from many men's lives is a healthy, positive and empowering masculine power.

This is the way to becoming a mature man. Live with less stress by being more present.
— Chris, Teacher, London

Are you struggling with:

🚨 Relationships Stress

🚨 Lacking self-confidence

🚨 Disconnected in your relationships

🚨 Work stress

🚨 Can’t express yourself emotionally

🚨 Feeling like you have no time for yourself

🚨 Fear of intimacy

🚨 Overthinking

🚨 Dating struggles

🚨 Pretending to be someone to be accepted

🚨 Fear of rejection

🚨 Feeling not good enough

🚨 Feeling lonely and isolated

🚨 Lack of sexual intimacy

🚨 Struggling with dating and connecting with women

🚨 Fear of making mistakes

🚨 Very reactive - getting angry or stressed quickly

🚨 Self-judgement

🚨 Lacking self-acceptance

I used to be where you are right now…… 


I used to be where you are right now…… 

  • Struggled to know what I was feeling, let alone express it in a way that my partners could understand and connect to

  • Dysfunctional and failing relationships that left me flat and not wanting to have anything to do with relationships

  • Lacking self-confidence to do the work that I knew I was put on this earth to do

  • Struggling to create the passionate and connected sex that I desired 

  • Unaware of the patterns that were fucking up my life, time and again

  • Too afraid to lead my own life for fear of making the wrong choices

If you had met me several years ago, you would have thought my life was great. I had a 6 figure job, travelled the world, women around me and my own flat in London.

But I was unhappy, unfilled and bored. Plus, I struggled to create relationships where I could be happy, passionate and fulfilled.

When I started to do “the work”, when I began to take responsibility for the shit in my life and when I learned that I was creating my own reality, I started a podcast, meditated regularly, went to retreats and workshops and took action in life with what I wanted and what I was scared of.

A few years later, I quit my job, which brought me no joy. I am now living on a tropical island. I am in an adventurous and passionate relationship. I do what I love - helping men learn about themselves and create the life and relationships they desire.

After running, retreats, workshops with & coaching thousands of men (as well as couples and women), I came to find that there are a number of key pillars for a man to embody his powerful, healthy and connected masculinity.

I live the shit I teach. Just ask my partner Asa.


This is why I have created an 12-week programme to guide men in my principles of how to show up in life to build the relationships, sex life and success that they deeply desire.


The 12-Week Programme: Starts 21st of February


I am sure that you have read plenty of books and watched lots of Instagram content about how to be the man you want to be. Now it’s time to be held in a group of like-minded and growth-oriented men to BE the man you want and get the support that you have never gotten from other men in your life!

The B.A.A.M.M 12-Week Programme will be a small group (no more than 20) coaching container of holistic coaching, teaching, accountability, support and embodied practices.

Image taken by Jonny Hunter

Consuming content, podcast and books isn’t enough to create lasting change. What really leads to a transformational change is being the change you want, being with other men that will challenge you to be a better person and having your inner greatness seen and witnessed by others.


The TAM 12-Week Programme is designed using my experience of intuitive work, ancient wisdom, creative orientation, men's coaching, tantra and embodiment practices.

I felt like I was reborn
— A P, Product Designer, Brighton

What you will take away from the programme:

  • Increased confidence

  • Deeper presence

  • More comfortable expressing and holding your boundaries

  • Powerful tools for listening and communicating

  • Better decision making

  • Increased maturity

  • Feeling safe in groups of men

  • Comfortable and confident in sexuality

  • Being able to create a space for others to be vulnerable

  • An ability to remain calm during disagreements

  • Build trust in your relationships

  • Improved emotional intelligence and expression

  • Caring less about what other people think of you

  • Talking more openly about sex and intimacy with my partner

  • Increased self-love

Oh…. and this isn't some made-up list of things, this is what past cohorts of men have said they got from doing the programme

That it is a once in a lifetime opportunity to join a group of honest, vulnerable, authentic men to learn and grow with the support of an amazing coach!
— Adam

Over the 12-weeks, we will deep dive into: 


Chapter 1 - Awareness

How do we develop a deep awareness of ourselves, our flaws, limitations, gifts, strengths, and beliefs? The more we can see why we are doing what we are doing, the more we can break patterns that lead to dysfunctional actions, reactions, pain, and stress. With a deeper awareness of yourself, you can figure out why you can’t create the relationships you want or why you struggle to communicate with passion and charisma.


Chapter 2 - Presence

“The masculine gift to the world is presence”. Presence is the key, alongside awareness when it comes to connecting, healing and feeling yourself, the world and others. Imagine if you could be 20% more present in conversations at work, with your date/partner or family. What would change for you in your love life? Would you actually hear them instead of your inner critic or your fears? Would you connect more deeply with them? Would you have better sex? Could you love more passionately?


Chapter 3 - Emotions & Feeling

We consciously and unconsciously learn that emotions are destructive and wrong throughout childhood. But these emotions and feelings are the keys to living a fulfilling life. Emotions can be messy, but when we learn to be with them, feel them and express them, they become our greatest gift and ally.


Chapter 4 - Love

The thing that is missing from masculinity and men more than anything today is love, the feeling of it in its many forms, from the love of self, love of purpose and love of others. When we cultivate more love in our lives, we go from living in black and white to living in 4K, live takes on a new flavours.


Chapter 5 - Purpose & Goals

Many men are living a life that lacks direction and focus. Men are living passionless lifes due to never really spending the time to uncover what their life's purpose is. In this chapter, we will do practices to discover what lights you up in life because when you are living with purpose, you become energised and unstoppable.


Chapter 6 - Sexuality

This is where we get juicy. Sex is the thing we love, but the very thing that brings us so much shame and anxiety. Our sexual energy is the most creative and natural in our bodies, and in this module, we learn to move it and channel it for passion and purpose. You will learn tantric practices to have mind-blowing sex and tools for powerful sexual communication.


Chapter 7 - Integrating Your Feminine

We all have feminine energy, regardless of gender. And this feminine energy is vital for us men to reach our full potential and power, for us to have energy and get more juice out of life. When we are low on feminine energy, our masculine energy is lifeless and dry. The reason so many men struggle with women and their emotions, flow and unpredictability is that they are disconnected from their inner feminine and want to control the feminine and not dance with it.


Chapter 8 - Self Leadership & Relationship Leadership

How can you lead your life and relationships from a place of love, integrity and fierce love? Leadership is deeply missing in our modern-day because we have seen so many negative examples that lack love, awareness and compelling vision. We will cover the pillars of leading your relationships so that you create a deeper connection and use your relationship as a vehicle for growth.

Chapter 9 - Shadow Work, Mother and Father Wound

You know that self-sabotaging tendencies you have that unconsciously react harshly in your relationship, ruin dates and make you defensive at work, but you have no idea why you do it. That’s coming from your shadow. The shadow is the stuff that you deny, repress and suppress that comes out in harmful ways. In this chapter, we shine a compassionate light on those bits and guide you to bring awareness to them so they, and your mother and father wound can stop unconsciously running your goals, dreams and relationships.

I feel a lot more confident!
— A P, Product Designer, Brighton

How it works:

You will get access to:

  • 12 X Weekly Live Group Session with David Chambers (120 minutes)

  • Opening & Closing Circles

  • Private Whatsapp group

  • 2 X Breathwork session to release and connect to your deep wisdom

FREE BONUS: Over 20 hours worth of workshops about dating, relationships, tantra, intimacy and so much more. (Value £1500)


All calls will be held on Zoom and will be recorded.

The Live Group Sessions (excluding the opening & closing circles) will be held on Wednesdays between 7 – 9 pm UK Time (All times in UK time)

on the following dates: 

  • Feb 2024 - 21st, 28th

  • March 2024 - 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th

  • April 2024 - 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th

  • May 2024 - 1st, 8th

  • Opening Circle - 18th Feb 3 pm

  • Closing Circle - 12th May 3pm



Payment plans up to 6 months are available on request

£800 - Super early bird (Available until Dec 31th) - Register interest HERE

£1200 - Early Bird (Available until Jan 30th) HERE

£1600 - Feb Price HERE

£2500 - VIP - Feb Programme + 3 X 90 mins coaching sessions (Value £4500)

If you want to join the programme, but the price is something you feel you can’t afford, please get in contact so that we can create something that can work for you.


Next Steps

Click on one of the “Register your interest for this course“ buttons and we can set up a free 60-minute call.

In the call, we will talk about what you want to get out of the programme, explore if the programme is right for you and most important of all, I will guide you to greater clarity on a problem you are dealing with.

I don’t do 20-minute discovery calls like most coaches. I give you an in-depth understanding of the root cause of your dating, relationship or sexuality issue and what needs to be done to fix it.

No obligation, no expectation. No high-pressure sales tactics.

It’s more important to me that you get value from our conversation than you sign up for the programme.


Still not sure… Here is what men have been saying about being on the programme:

My relationship has been improving in areas where I was not showing up, I'm more present, and the combination has been better. I think we see each other more, I express myself more and make sure I can voice how I feel in a safe way.” Jason, Designer, Aberdeen

“Empowering, humbling, rewarding, inspiring” Adam, Engineer 

“I needed the other men to give me the confidence that my experience was valid, before starting I had a lot of thoughts about whether I needed to be on the programme and actually I should stop complaining and just get on with it. The other men made me feel that we all deserve to be happy and to be living in our most fulfilled lives as possible. Listening to the other men removed my fear of expressing emotion in a group context like this, I felt so safe even after the first session,” Chris, Architect, Newcastle

“I would say, building a connection with a group of men, for me it really helped me become comfortable talking about my feelings, talking openly about myself, really helped me see a vulnerable side to men that is hard to connect with and going through the weeks and connecting from that place has really helped me build an inner strength, resilience and a place to really connect from. Also being weeks and have a group of men holding you accountable to grow really helped to build the consistency and the habits that will last. Highly recommended as a journey to take” A P, Product Designer, Brighton

“More comfortable expressing and holding my boundaries better in relationship” Chris, teacher, London

”I stopped deciding what’s best for my partner instead I started to understand her and listen to her” Gab, Contract Manager, London